This set of Patrick hibiscus blooms shows color change through the day. It may have some seasonality in it also. The top bloom from January 2005 has just opened and is a deep pink throughout.

The second bloom from June 2005 is from the end of the day where the pink has faded exposing a yellowish outer edge border. The Patrick cultivar exhibits this color change through the day regardless of the season. The January bloom may be a little richer in color due to the cooler weather and the June bloom may fade more than a winter bloom due to longer and richer sun exposure. The Patrick is a great plant. It roots easily and is a prolific bloomer. For hybridizing it is a good fertile mother plant, setting and producing many seeds. Overall it is one of my favorites because it possesses many good qualities. This plant survived Katrina both in the ground and in pots. It must've liked the contents of the floodwater, because it was full of blooms when we were first allowed back to our home two weeks after the storm.
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